Monday, September 5, 2011

Italy Supersized water treatment problem

!±8± Italy Supersized water treatment problem

When it comes to countries that have water problems, you probably think countries like India or somewhere in darkest Africa. However, modern and industrialized nations also have problems if they are not prepared to properly manage their water pollution and treatment. It 'hard to believe that Italy, the economic center of the ancient world, one of these nations, however, it is. Most of the available water, the earth is full of industrial andagricultural pollution, and the government seems not to be able to keep pace with the need for water filtration and treatment in line with population growth.

Italian Cities produce 19.1 million tons of waste per year. This alone creates an incredible amount of water must be treated. The country has problems with water at least since 1976, when a Swiss chemical plant explosion released toxic deposits causing the evacuation of 1,000 residents and aRecommendation that pregnant women have their babies aborted.

In recent years, the miserable conditions of water quality in Italian lakes have come to the fore, has become especially around the beach Laglio when the American actor George Clooney are two villas on the beach. While the visibility is excellent and the beach is not the water of the lake. The levels of bacteria in water were tested, and it was found that the level of 68% higher than it should have been. During the exhibition that Italygaining ground in their clean with salt water resources, the lakes are polluted more and more.

Although Clooney fans rushed to the beach and Laglio have been tempted to take a dip in the sparkling blue water, they did so at their own risk. Skin infections and dermatitis are common complaints suffered, those who have exposed their bodies in water. Biologists have also discovered that the worst stretches of beach can be bad types of bacteria such as Salmonella contain. AlthoughNearby beaches are not in the best interest of the Italian tourism industry, has aimed at keeping all the right people are certainly needed.

The Italian water problems can have many causes. These include more intensive agriculture, the toxic run-offs, illegal housing and industrial waste results in water pollution and global warming, which causes less rainfall to replenish the resource as a means of water. In addition, built in water filtration systemsare back in the 1970's and 80's now too small and inadequate for the way they have to work to work to address the problems of today.

Italy Supersized water treatment problem

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